Kids Club Share/Savings Account
You can start your kids on the right track to financial success with a Haynes Community FCU Kids Club Share/Savings Account. It gives kids 17 and younger the opportunity to start saving money and make deposits and withdrawals. They will also start learning about dividends and how a savings account can help them earn more money.
Kids Club Share/Savings
17 and under
$5.00 minimum required to open
Gift upon opening
Online statements required
Adult over 18 required as joint
TEEN Checking Account
Live your life with a unique account. Get smart with your money using an account with the essentials for a successful future! Haynes Community Federal Credit Union's TEEN Checking Account offers many great advantages for members 13 to 17 years of age, including:
13 -17 years
$5.00 minimum deposit for share/savings
NO minimum deposit or balance
Parent/Guardian required as joint and will bear financial burden of any charges or fee incurred
ATM or debit card available with lower limits:
$50.00 daily ATM cash withdrawal limit
$200.00 daily point of sale debit limit
Online statements required
NO monthly fees
FREE text alert messages
FREE online/mobile banking
FREE remote deposit online statements required
FREE credit union issued checks
No paper checks
Online statements required
Scholarship opportunities for college-bound seniors
Vacation Club Account
Planning a vacation but don’t have the money? Our Vacation Club Account is your answer! Combined with direct deposit, payroll deduction, or automatic transfer, this account builds throughout the year and is available when you’re ready for your vacation.
Save throughout the year for your perfect vacation
Set up direct deposit, payroll deduction, or automatic transfer for an easy way to build your savings
Make deposits in any amount you’re comfortable with
Interest paid quarterly on the average daily balance
Funds are available upon request
Free online banking
Free e-Statements
$0 minimum balance to open
Christmas Club
"Make your holidays more enjoyable by saving all year!"
A Christmas Club Account may be the perfect way for you to save for your holiday expenses. Through payroll deduction or automatic transfer, you will save systematically and painlessly. Christmas Club funds are automatically transferred to your savings account in October, allowing you plenty of time to shop for gifts and enjoy the holidays!
Save little by little throughout the year for stress-free holidays
Christmas Club Accounts may be opened at any time during the year
Payroll deduction is an effortless way to save
Automatic transfer available from regular savings or checking accounts
Interest is paid quarterly on the average daily balance
Free online banking
Free e-Statements
$0 minimum balance to open